Monday, September 22, 2014

Apple Pay -- Getting into the advertising Game

With the the announcement of Apple Watch and Apple pay, I have seen a lot of articles relating to the game-changing nature of Apple Pay.  Most articles focus on the change of behaviors at retail.  Such articles predict the extension of wallets as we pay at many of Apple's partner retailers with our phones.  

Adage's article "Why Apple Pay Could Be Huge -- And It's Not What You Think" has a different take.

"Apple has had a long history of introducing products at the beginning of the ''hockey stick''... This time the hockey stick is mobile advertising. The real payoff of Apple Pay, for now, is not retail, it's mobile -- it is about buying on your phone vs. paying with your phone."

This seems like a dream for marketers! More important than the quick payoff, attribution will near perfection as customers will not need to leave any pages to pay.  The article even sited the opportunity to purchase directly from instagram.

Even more interesting, Apple has not previously played in the ad-space, long owned by Google.  This creates an interesting opportunity to change the competitive dynamics in Silicon Valley.

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