Monday, September 29, 2014

Email Marketing Gon Wrong

Having a good email marketing strategy can be a powerful tool used to reach new customers, retain and take a larger share of existing customer’s wallets.  The email channel is familiar, flexible and universal and accessed all the time across a host of mobile devices that keep people connected at all times. 

An effective strategy should deliver personalized, relevant content, and compliment existing channels.  I personally receive plenty of targeted content via email, either because I signed up to be on a particular distribution list, or unknowingly consented to receiving the emails when I purchased something, or signed up for a service.  I received the below email this past week, and needless to say I was taken aback.  I often receive emails from, and despite seeing them in my inbox a bit more than I’d like, I am yet to unsubscribe (until now) since I often use the coupons they deliver when I fly out of JFK. 

I thought this was an excellent example of how not to execute an email marketing strategy.  Better results, such as these examples of great email marketing campaigns, are sure to come from following a strategy like the one exactTarget outlines here. 

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