Monday, September 22, 2014

Group Danone: Not Digital Marketing, But Marketing in a Digital Era

During an interview with Forbes, Michael Aidan, head of digital & VP digital brand platforms at Group Danone S.A., explains what “digital marketing” means for Danone. The main marketing concepts have not changed, the delivery of those concepts are changing. Instead of targeting “average” consumers, CPGs are able to target individuals and improve their marketing efficiencies by interacting with consumers directly. Through websites like YouTube, Facebook and Google, marketers can deliver targeted messages to individuals.

The big difference with online marketing is that consumers have the ability to ignore the ads therefore the messages have to be more thoughtful and be able to invoke emotions. The game has changed in the sense that it is no longer about showing a stay-at-home mom 1,000 Tide commercials so she subconsciously buys Tide products when she goes to the grocery store.

On the other hand, a successful ad has the potential to be shared by thousands of people and go viral and receiving a link to a YouTube ad from a friend is a lot more powerful.

Digital marketing can be a powerful tool; however, marketers have to be more creative and thoughtful to engage targeted consumers.

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