Monday, September 22, 2014

Muslims Utilize Social Media Campaign against ISIS

Muslims Utilize Social Media Campaign against ISIS

The extremist terrorist group known as ISIS has been all over the news recently, through gory beheadings of hostages, widespread Youtube videos of propaganda, and several viral social media campaigns.

Muslims all over the world are sick of it and are ready to fight back.

ISIS not only represents the Muslim culture in a poor way, but defaces the stereotype that Muslims worldwide have been fighting against. In a turn of events, a new viral campaign hashtag has launched and given Muslims around the world, a chance to take their stance against ISIS.

The hashtag known as “#NOTINMYNAME” has been utilizes by anti-ISIS Muslims to take their stand against the activities of ISIS and disassociate their culture from the terrorist group. Various images have gone up across social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. By adding the hashtag #notinmyname, users across the world have been able to achieve a spotlight on the issue, and hopefully change the minds of those around them.

The campaign was launched on September 10th, 2014, by the London-based organization Active Change Foundation. Since the launch, there have been over 14,000 tweets in the last 7 days utilizing the hashtag and spreading the word. This campaign further illustrates the power of social media and its ability to become viral. 


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