Monday, September 22, 2014

Samsung creates hour-long sitcom

With marketing stunts like the Ellen DeGeneres selfie at the 2013 Oscars, Samsung has gained a reputation for taking chances with their marketing strategy.  And according to Bloomberg, they are backing this strategy with an extraordinary amount of money.  Samsung spent $14 Billion dollars on their global advertising and marketing efforts in 2013. So my question is, what is Samsung planning for 2014?

Well, this past month Samsung announced a new mode to showcase their brand and products—a sitcom.  The hour-long show, The Best Future, is about a female Samsung employee and her friends/coworkers.  The sitcom/musical takes place in Korea and stars Korean pop star Mina and newbie Seo Kang-joon. A Samsung spokesman told ZDNet Korea that Samsung “planned The Best Future to create a story that features work, love, and human relationships that those in their 20s and 30s can relate to."   Samsung wants to the show to convey a fun, energetic company culture, while showing off Samsung products.  Will Samsung be able to successfully create an engaging hour-long ad for their company? 

The Best Future is available next month on Youtube.

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