Monday, September 22, 2014

Search Ad Spending: Amazon Ranks #1 in Google Search Ad Spending for 2013

According to Ad Age DataCenter's ranking of Google's 25 largest U.S. search-marketing advertisers in 2013, Amazon is Google’s biggest search ad buyer, spending $157.7 million in 2013. This is somewhat surprising since Amazon is one of Google’s top competitors for online ad dollars; however, it is in line with the fact that retailers typically utilize search advertising as a primary way to drive sales.

Another interesting takeaway from the ranking is that there are only a few retailers in the top 25, with Sears Holdings and Wal-Mart ranking in the top 10. It was expected that more retailers would have ranked in the top 25 ad buyers as retailers, along with other direct-response advertisers, utilize search advertising as their primary digital-ad format. In fact, as the article notes: “Direct-response advertising accounted for 58.4% of U.S. digital-ad spending in 2013, according to eMarketer estimates, and that's expected to tick up this year to 59.1%.” The article identifies Google Shopping as the medium to which retailers are directing more of their ad dollars toward. Google Shopping is a product-search service that falls under the PLA category.

I personally believe that reallocating search advertising dollars towards Google Shopping from Google Search is a smart move for retailers, as many visitors to a Google Shopping results page are in fact shopping for an item and are more likely to make a purchase. I will be interested to see more data on this over the course of 2014 compared to these 2013 results.

Amazon Tops List of Google's 25 Biggest Search Advertisers

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