Monday, September 22, 2014

The Rise of #Instagram in Marketing

Social media platforms have seen a tremendous rise in marketing as the active user base for most platforms continues to grow.  In general, media consumed online now exceeds offline consumption; 57% of media consumption falls under digital, which include social media and mobile Internet usage.  Some companies have aptly identified this shifts, and discovered creative ways to make social media platforms speak for their products.

The meteoric growth of Instagram's active user base (according to GlobalWebIndex, the number of active Instagram users rose 23% from Q2 to Q4 in 2013) has singled out the platform for its potential marketing applications.  With the launch of web-based profiles and media feeds, Instagram has grown more attractive to marketers.  With increased levels of engagement from photos, Instagram arguably offers a platform capable of beautifully combining firm-generated content and user-generated content.  Improved management and metrics tools further fuel the fast adoption rate of Instagram in marketing campaigns.

IKEA Russia has recently launched an Insta-Catalogue - a successful mix of in-house and user generated content.  Applying cross links for products results in microsites for individual pieces.

TopShop provides another example ways a retailer can channel the social media prowess of Instagram to successfully engage consumers in an interactive and user-centric marketing campaign.  TopShop's Social Catwalk leverages the platform to live share photos that show in storefront window displays and online with "click to buy" links that direct you straight to the product featured.

With improved management and measurement features available, I would imagine many more retailers will soon harness the power of the Instagram platform.


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