Monday, September 22, 2014

Use social media to increase referrals in the insurance world

During my internship this summer at an insurance company, I conducted a competitive analysis for a new market. Not to my surprise, companies who are doing well in the new market have great social media presence. Insurance companies, which tend to be slow in following tech trends, should further leverage this channel. In particular, insurance agents should tap into the social media world and use such platforms to increase referrals.

The goal of social media marketing is be to nurture a community instead of pushing the hard sell, which is almost always a turnoff. Its called social media for a reason so use it to be social and build relationships. Balance posts about business with others that are truly interesting. By posting things that are inspirational, informative, and helpful to the whole community, the firm won’t come across as impersonal and people will be more interested in reading what the company has to say on a regular basis.

There are lots of ways to creatively engage with your audience or potential customers so it isn’t just a one way conversation. If the insurance company has an official referral program, social media is a great way to promote that program. To increase Facebook fans, the firm can run a promotion that donates a dollar to a local charity for every new follower. End the posts with a question to elicit answers from the audience. By engaging the audience, the firm is able to build a bond that will yield referrals in the future.

The article below showed 50 interesting ways for insurance agencies to engage customers through social media platforms. Among the long list of suggestions, the key is to let customers say whatever they want. 

Find more details through the link:

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