Monday, September 22, 2014

ZEFR Looks to Expand Advertising Power Beyond YouTube

ZEFR, a video monetization platform, has acquired Engodo according to a report in TechCrunch. ZEFR has traditionally been a video monetization platform that has focused on YouTube. The company currently provides insights and software solutions so that brands can create more impactful media and better connect with their consumers.

They currently focus on two products: brand management and rights management which includes:

Brand Management Suite:

  • Brand ID- allows brands to identify conversations about their brand and engage in the conversation
  • Channel ID- allows brands to create an effective YouTube channel
  • Performance Marketing- gives brands the tools to reach consumers with targeted advertising.
Rights Management enables studios or labels to:
  • Protect their assets on YouTube
  • Maximize the monetization of copyrighted content
  • Understand how content is being used across YouTube
With the addition of Engodo, ZEFR is looking to expand their capabilities beyond video and YouTube. Engodo is a "social influencer advertising platform" that connects brands or agencies with "influencers" or content publishers who create content across different media networks on behalf of brands.

The acquisition will allow ZEFR to expand their monetization beyond YouTube and provide advertisers with insights across numerous channels. As companies look to create native advertising and directly connect with their consumers, they can now look to ZEFR to assist them in developing effective media advertising across platforms.

ZEFR Has Acquired Social Advertising Startup Engodo,

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