Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How Google can totally change the future of a company

Softonic, a Spanish software download portal, plans to reduce its workforce by 200 employees (half of the current workforce) mainly due to a change in Google’s algorithm. Softonic is a software download portal that obtains revenues mainly through advertising in its website while allows customers to download free applications.
Softonic in 2012 had 52 million of revenues and 29 million of profit but in the current 2014 its revenues will decrease until 38 million with negative profits. The main reason of this change in revenues and in profits, Softonic argue, is that Google has changed the algorithm and the new updated version damages Softonic’s traffic.
These news should make us two important questions: Are the companies forced to follow Google’s rules in order to be profitable? Does Google has too much power in the internet world?

Source: Softonic cuts half of its workforce
To disappear from Google harms Softonic

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