Monday, October 27, 2014

Red Bull Media House

Marriott International’s move to build out it’s own comprehensive content marketing strategy, is just another example of what many companies realize is an essential aspect of their overall digital marketing strategy.  It’s also something that Red Bull has been doing phenomenally well for years.  They have successfully used various content marketing initiatives to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and maintain loyalty. I want to particularly focus on their proprietary digital content creation, mostly through Red Bull Media House (launched in 2007), that effectively communicates the lifestyle and values that their consumers can relate to – particularly in the action sports, gaming and music world.   

Red Bull Media House operates a TV station, offers up an incredibly popular magazine, and even produces award-winning movies, documentaries and shorts.  They have successfully positioned their brand as the center of the extreme sports world.  They know their customer, know what their customer wants, and deliver the vehicle with which they are able to consume it. 

An article from provides a great summary of how the content marketing landscape has changed by comparing an old Tide advertisement to a video produced by Red Bull Media House.  Simply put, rather than create aspirations and expectations for customers, new branding initiatives do just the opposite.  Here is a list from the same article highlighting part of Red Bull’s strategy:

1.     Publish amazing stories across media (video, apps, print magazines, video games, online magazines).
2.     COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere).
3.     Brand the heroes featured.
4.     Share branded heroes “inside baseball” stories about adventures.
5.     Rinse and Repeat across media types (print, online, video) and platforms (website, apps, social nets).

6.     Curate “Hero-Like” User Generated Content (UGC).

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