Sunday, October 05, 2014

Rocket Fuel targets cross-device optimization

Between home computers, work computers, smart phones and tablets the average person uses more than one device. This poses a challenge to digital advertisers who are not able to track one person across multiple devices at the moment.

People's shopping behaviors vary depending on whether they are on a mobile device versus a computer. Without a complete consumer profile, digital advertisers are leaving money on the table. According to Rocket Fuel's Mark Alan Prior, the ability to connect a user across multiple platforms and optimize based on this connection could result in a 38% increase in conversion probability.

Rocket Fuel, one of the largest digital ad agencies in the virtual sector, made a bet on the rapid rise of mobile advertising when desktop was the only game in town. Currently 31% of its revenues come from mobile campaigns. The company is positioning itself to be a leader in the next frontier of digital advertising - cross-device optimization. If successful, Rocket Fuel will have solved one of the last big issues in the digital marketing universe.


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