Sunday, November 09, 2014

Facebook creates feature to reduce (not just block) posts - a move likely to affect brand content

Facebook is allowing users to have more control over the content in their news feed. Users will be able to see which of their friends or the brands they follow accounted for the most posts in their news feeds each week. Facebook has also introduced a way for people to reduce the number of posts they see from specific friends or brands, as opposed to completely hiding them.
The update means Facebook will put a larger filter on posts you see from friends or brands you turn down which means only the most relevant content shows up in your feed.
For marketers, this means it will be easier punish brands for poor posts or oversharing. It will still take people at least two clicks to unfollow a brand, but the decision is no longer as binary as staying connected to a brand or silencing it entirely. Now consumers can tell Facebook they want to see fewer posts from a brand.
If users choose to actively use this new feature, it could mean reduced consumer reach for brands, however, it is possible that they would reach more engaged consumers.

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