Monday, November 10, 2014

Mobile Ad Spending to Surpass TV by 2019

Market research firm Forrester recently released a report that cited its expectations for a compound annual growth rate of 12% for the mobile ad spending business - the key point being that this will push the total amount to over $100B, beyond traditional TV advertising. Traditional TV ads will have a slower growth rate and peak at $85B in 2019, and social media will grow at a 17% growth rate until then as well. Growth will not stop then, obviously, but this is where the report stops making projections.

The really interesting thing here is that mobile ads will have only taken ~10 years (mobile really took off in the mid-to-late 2000's with the launch of the first iPhone) to surpass traditional advertising vehicles, which have been around for over half a century. The article doesn't give much data on how exactly Forrester came up with these projections - many outlets come up with crazy projections like this as mere clickbait - but Forrestser is a hugely reputable organization, and the trend toward mobile is a clear one that few can deny.

I find it particularly interesting though because this could show that mobile advertisers are getting more effective at monetizing digital ad spending; it could also mean that more advertisers are being drawn to mobile ads. I'd be really curious to see, in other words, what exactly is driving this increased revenue that will drive this growth - an increase in the # of digital advertising run, or an increase in the prices of these ads?


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