Friday, November 07, 2014

Olapic turning social images into shopping

Techcrunch reported today that Olapic, a social media aggregation service for brands, launched a new service to turn images shared via social media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) into store portals on Pinterest. Photos shared via social media, once clicked on, will drive users to a Pinterest store page where the user can purchase as opposed to driving to the social media site the image was first shared from. This is done by "managing all of the steps associated with acquiring permission to re-use the content and then coding that content link back to the store, instead of a site like Instagram or Facebook."

In a growing world of native advertising where brands are telling stories instead of simply pushing a product, Olapic's services are key. For brands like Birchbox or Food52 who frequently creating visual stories with their products, the ability to sell from those images is extremely important. The majority of the time, their visual advertising does not scream "buy me now" but the ability for a user to buy directly from an image is powerful and could drive a huge increase in sales. As the co-founder of Olapic stated, "Consumers today live in an omni-channel world in which they value authenticity over stylized stock imagery, and seek new way to engage with brands across social channels." In integrating the ability to buy, users can connect with a genuine brand story while also completing a purchase.

Example: Bichbox Instagram

Example: Food52 Image

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