Friday, November 21, 2014

Ramp-up Mid-Funnel Content Creation

Mid-funnel content is designed to move users who've already opted in to your messaging through some action, (typically Subscribe, Like, or Follow) to conversion. This is important because most companies/businesses serve (or would like to serve) more than one kind of customer in order to maximize conversions and sales.

Here are a few ways to ramp up mid-funnel content offerings for maximum impact:

1. Leverage E-Books
Create a unique e-book (or brochure, pamphlet) for each of your audience segments. This e-book doesn't have to be 100-pages long, but it should provide sufficient value for what the downloader paid for it (typically the right for you to contact him/her again).

2. Reprocess Your Wide-Funnel Content
A blog post created a year ago to get buzz, search visibility, and generate awareness might not be attracting any hits right now – but that doesn't mean it’s worthless. Such an article – when combined with other old articles written on the same topic – might provide enough heft for a credible mid-funnel content item such as an e-book or whitepaper.

3. Use Slideshare
Slideshare is an ideal platform for showcasing your mid-funnel content. But it might be a mistake to upload your complete mid-funnel content library, because it’s harder to determine who viewed it. Consider creating an edited/abridged version of your slides that shares values without giving everything away.

4. Consider Video
Video is an excellent medium for in-depth explanations of complex subjects. Because it’s a sequential medium, it’s uniquely suited for step-by-step instruction. To evaluate whether video content would be effective (both in its mid-funnel role and in terms of gaining wide-funnel awareness), check YouTube for content in your specific vertical. 

Source: ClickZ

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