Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twitter is Tracking Users’ Installed Apps for Ad Targeting

Twitter recently informed users that they are now collecting information about the apps installed on users’ devices in order to better target and tailor advertising. In addition to helping with ad targeting, Twitter also said the information it is collecting can be used to improve “who to follow” suggestions. Perhaps not surprisingly, the tracking is switched on by default, though users can choose to opt out of having the information collected.

This move by Twitter should not surprise anyone, as the company has to continue to find new ways to generate the type of revenue and profits that justify its valuation. The question now is how will Twitter manage the balancing act of generating significant advertising revenue without degrading the user experience? I believe most social media users understand that companies like Facebook and Twitter need to use advertising in order to generate revenue and remain viable companies. However, that understanding has limits, and if users come to believe that their favorite social media sites have become merely a message board for advertisers, they will be quick to ditch those sites in favor of new ones.

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