Friday, November 07, 2014

WalMart’s Answer to Apple Pay Has Already Been Hacked

It doesn’t bode well for a mobile payment system when it’s hacked before it’s even rolled out to the general public, yet that’s exactly issue facing CurrentC, a payment system backed by WalMart and a consortium of other retailers known as the Merchant Customer Exchange (MCX). The members of MCX are not accepting any other mobile payment system, including Apple Pay, though this security breach will not help their cause. In an email to customers who signed up for a beta version of the app, CurrentC informed participants that “…unauthorized third parties obtained the email addresses of some of you.” While the hackers were only able to obtain email addresses and nothing more, the incident can only be seen as an embarrassment for the system and the retailers that are supporting it, especially since the MCX made a concerted effort to highlight the security features of CurrentC. Further compounding the problem, the breach occurred in the wake of the introduction of Apple Pay, which is already drawing rave reviews.

The idea behind CurrentC was to give retailers access to a significant amount of data on customer shopping habits and to allow retailers to bypass the major credit card companies by connecting directly to customers’ bank accounts, thus avoiding the 2-3% fees typically paid to credit card companies. While this all sounds great in theory, CurrentC has some inherent flaws that may make acceptance of Apple Pay an inevitability for the MCX. First, by only connecting to customers’ bank accounts, CurrentC essentially serves as a debit card only and does not allow consumers to buy on credit, and many consumers would much prefer to use a credit card for big ticket items such as expensive electronics and high-end fashion items. Additionally, by not allowing customers to use credit cards, customers would miss out on earning loyalty or cash back rewards on their credit card, providing a further disincentive to use CurrentC. Given the challenges facing CurrentC, it may only be a matter of time before the MCX is forced to accept Apple Pay. 

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