Monday, December 01, 2014

Email login increasingly important to identify consumers

From the moment a user reaches a website and logins with his email every action he performs is recorded. This could seem rather intrusive but most of the companies use this information with the only purpose of improving the user experience.
Web analytics tools will provide very valuable information like how many visits every specific user has done, how long he was in every page, what products he browse, when he left the purchase. This info not only helps to produce a marketing campaign but it is crucial to improve the usability of the web.
Companies know how valuable that information is and are becoming to treat its customer base with a lot of respect.
Privacy and ethical considerations are top priorities for serious companies today and have started to change a number of practices.
Today site terms and conditions must clearly identify what data is collected and how it will be used. Brands want to maintain transparency with their clients and only use private information on their customer’s benefit.

Cookies are becoming less effective to identify people given difficulties on the mobile platforms and increasing private navigation. Social logins , Beacons, Geotracking, and digital fingerprinting are the future.

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