Monday, December 01, 2014

The State Of Digital Marketing In 2015

Planning ahead for 2015? Don't miss these key trends in digital marketing, as examined by columnist James Green.

“The digital marketing industry is experiencing a major transformation.” The main change driver is the abundance of new data being created every second. Marketers are learning how to decipher and implement the information they are receiving, which will drastically change the digital marketing landscape.

As consumers are also continuing to shift from online to mobile platforms, retailers need to continue to learn about how the behaviors differ because consumers expect a seamless experience.

1.     Big Data Will Become Bigger
a.     Companies now have so much access to data and they are learning how to process it all to improve the customer experience.
b.     Big data will continue to grow, forever!
2.     First and Third-Party Data will be a Hot Topic
a.     This will help retailers have a better picture of who their customers are and when they are ready to make a purchase.
3.     Automation will Continue to Increase
a.     “Eventually, all media buying will become automated”
b.     We are already starting to see a lot of this, with more and more real time ad buying
c.      The trend will continue and expand to other ad spaces, including TV
4.     Ad Fraud will still be a Concern
a.     Fraud represents 5-10% of all search clicks, which is huge!
b.     Display fraud is even more complex than search because of the large numbers of players and intermediaries
c.      Unfortunately, the perpetrators hide out in countries where this is not necessarily illegal so this is unlike to go away anytime soon
5.     The Need for Personalized Advertising will Grow
a.     As marketers are getting access to way more data, they will be more likely and able to target individuals as opposed to broad populations

b.     Data sources will be combined to create complete customer profiles

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