Sunday, January 25, 2015

Augmented Reality Is Changing the game for Advertisers

Where virtual reality exists to create rich computer-generated environments, augmented reality (AR) has the ability to project layers of graphics, animation, sounds and smell, ,  yes smell, onto real physical objects such as billboards, clothes, packaging etc.

While much of the technology is still in the early stages of commercial use, there are several AR products already in the marketplace with advertisers from luxury jewelry to beverage producers to musicians leveraging the technology to enhance their marketing campaigns.  As such, advertisers have the ability to engage with customers on a level previously not possible;

The AR industry has been evolving for several years now and has shifted towards a more segmented structure.  Companies have the ability to leverage out of the box applications to create one-off campaigns, or decide to fully develop custom apps and solutions for their customers, such as the below furniture app;

Forward looking, as applications for AR continue to evolve, where reality stops, advertisers have virtually unlimited options at their disposal to market their products in a digitally enhanced world.  Further, the benefits of AR go beyond the marketing budget, as AR will help marketers to not only better track advertising spend, but will also help companies become smaller in the brick and mortar sense, while expanding online.

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