Saturday, January 24, 2015

Break the traditional searching limit

Reading is a very important procedure for people to receive information. Since most people need to read, they have to touch words. However, the information delivered by words is limited. For instance, "guitar" as a word would only mean the instrument itself. However, when people see a picture of guitar, people would more likely to relate the picture to other things, such as music or even a guitar player.

I recently visited a picture app company named Pinterest. I believe most of you might have heard about this company. The idea of finding such a company is from that people like to pin pictures or important information on their personal boards. Some of the information is about things people like, such as cars, houses, family pictures. Some of the information is also about things people want to do, such as sky diving, traveling to some beautiful places, cooking some dishes.

Showing pictures instead of words sometimes makes searching procedure more effective. Imagine such a scene, when a Pinterest user went back home from a easy load workday, he wanted to cook himself a dish. He first searched on google, where everyone starts off. After viewing several links, he still could not find out what he want. Finally, he went to Pinterest and typed in keyword "cooking". Immediately, a lot of delicious food showed in front of his eyes. He clicked in to a cheese and garlic crack bread and Sticky Citrus Chicken Drumsticks, recipes were right below those pictures. As a result, he would enjoy his happy single night with these delicious food.

Cooking is only one example. People could also use Pinterest to search traveling places or so. Pinterest would also link people with similar habits together. Therefore, users could continuously get inspirations from the app.

Since picture searching sometimes are better than word searching because it is more visualized and therefore becomes more effective, I believe picture searching would become more and more popular.

So, are you ready for that? 

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