Thursday, January 29, 2015

More Content Marketing

I am piggybacking on AungMaw's post re: content marketing. I think it's fair to say most of us have become adept at avoiding/ignoring most types of advertisements. Traditional marketing techniques have become less relevant by the day and the importance of creating content that is valued by customers continues to grow more important with many marketing professionals claiming that 2015 will be the year of content marketing.

It's easy to see how this type of marketing can grab a customer. I think this raises the question, "How does this affect the cost of client acquisition?" Not all content marketing can be as clever as the campaign AungMaw cited. Large corporations will be spending great sums of money on writers and creative personnel to produce this product. The conversion from lead, to customer, to upsell may not be cheaper when we consider the costs associated with this type of marketing. Firms may gain new customers, but the increased cost structure may leave the bottom line flat.

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