Monday, January 26, 2015

Teaching the New Frontier in Marketing

Pretty interesting article in Fast Company that made me think about how far marketing has really come vs. when I was in college.  The basic gist of the article is that there are three skills that college students are not learning today to best equip themselves for the world of digital marketing (content marketing/SEO, social media and lead nurturing/technical skills).

Now I don't pretend to know what is in the modern liberal arts college marketing curriculum but what I think this article highlights is that there is hole that needs to be filled.  Digital marketing has really only sprung up as a going concern within the Marketing field within the last few years and I would assume that most colleges were hesitant to adapt this to their curriculums.  However, with the continued growth in the industry and its increasing importance to corporate marketing strategies, this will evolve which I think will in turn lead to a more educated entry-level marketing employee and further advancements in the field itself.

Not to date myself but I wish they offered something like this when I was in college but it didn't exist yet (Facebook only really came about when I was a Junior, haha).


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