Saturday, January 24, 2015

What Is the Meta Description Tag?

What Is the Meta Description Tag?

The Meta Description tag is a snippet of HTML code that belongs inside the <Head> </Head> section of a web page. It is usually placed beside the other two Meta tags ---the Meta Title tag and the Meta keywords tag.
In the source code of a website, the proper syntax for the Mega Description tag looks like:
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Your descriptive sentence or two goes here.">

The Meta Description tag is mostly used for storing information that tells a search engine user what the website is all about.
The Meta Description tag is the last line in the picture.

Many years ago, the information contained in a Meta Description tag could slightly increase a website's ranking in search engine. But nowadays, neither Google, Bing, nor Yahoo counts Meta description as a ranking factor.

In other words, whatever keywords you put in your Meta Description tag, it will exert no impact on the actual position of your web-page in the search engine result. Thus, in terms of rankings, web-designers could easily leave it out altogether.

But should you really do that?

There are couple of reasons that make Meta Description tag an important supplement of your SEO and overall online marketing strategy:
  1. As we saw before, Meta descriptions (or part of Meta descriptions) can be used as the description of your web-page if it shows up in a search engine.
  2. Meta descriptions are often used as part of the descriptive information for your web-pages when Google shows "extend sitelinks" for your site.
  3. Meta descriptions are used as the default description in social media marketing links such as Facebook and Google+.
The Meta description tag gives you a little bit more control over what people might see before they click over to your site in a search engine. The more compelling it is, the more clicks you should gain. If your Meta description tags can help with that, then it's absolutely worth the several minutes of time it takes to create simple, interesting, keyword-rich tags.

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