Friday, February 13, 2015

Cookie—start of everything

Digital marketing has been so popular that it is everywhere in people’s life. Everyone is involved in the market no matter which role he/she plays. Some people play the role of receiving all kinds of advertisements. On the other hand, another group of people decides what kind of advertisements the previous group should get. As long as a person lives in modern day and uses Internet, he/she is a part of the digital marketing.

In such a powerful market, the method getting information from all Internet users becomes an essential and basic knowledge. Cookie is a small piece of data that can accomplish the task. Our browser would keep our information in the small piece of data each time when we surf the Internet so that when people use the same website next time, the website could recognize the users and sometimes automatically log the users into the web. Since cookies could keep users’ basic information, it also records other information such as clicking particular buttons or pages visited by the user as far back as months or years ago.

It sounds the invention of cookie makes Internet life more convenient. On the other hand, cookie might also raise risk of hurting users’ privacy. If a hacker invaded a user’s computer and stole his cookie, then the hacker could easily get all account of the person, such as social networking account and even bank account. Therefore, designing a better system for storing cookie becomes very important.

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