Saturday, February 28, 2015

Corporate Marketers Increase Digital Spend

Econsultancy published a teaser from the results from their annual survey; The Marketing Budgets 2015 Report, which 600 companies participate and help marketing professionals get a read on various marketing trends, across an array of channels and technologies.

This 64-page report looks in detail at how companies are allocating their online and offline marketing budgets for 2015.
The responses from the two below questions republished on econsultancy's site reveal some interesting changes in the approach to digital marketing.
Q: What best describes your plans for your digital marketing budget in 2015?

While marketers clearly are devoting more resources to online channels, those that aren't don't appear to be doing so for lack of desire.  As per below results, while budgets and ROI don't appear to be constraints, clearly there is a lack of resources and expertise available increase allocation of budgets towards digital spend.

Q: What is preventing your company from investing more money in digital marketing?

As a result, it would appear that this is an ecouraging sign for the broader health of the industry, as those with the necessary skillset appear to be more of a scarce resource in light of the growing, and in some cases, pent up demand.

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