Friday, March 13, 2015

Is Wearable Tech the Next Digital Marketing Frontier?

Wearable tech isn't new, but the Apple Watch may be the first product to actually take off on a large scale.  If so, what are the implications for digital marketers?

  • Understanding physical reactions
    • With the ability to literally read your pulse, marketers can register your reaction to different ads and adjust accordingly.  
  • Hyperlocal Targeting and Timing
    • Phones with GPS already provide the ability to track your every movement.  Building off of the previous bullet point, now marketers will be able to track your reaction to specific ads in certain locations and track if it prompted an impulse purchase.  Marketers will be able to provide much better metrics on conversions, ROI on ads, etc.
  • Keywords and Clearly Audible
    • With the Apple Watch's microphone, users will likely use voice detection to search, rather than type out queries.  Marketers will need to perform audio and verbal keyword audits so that harder to spell (or weirdly spelled companies) are properly detected and show up in search queries.
I'm a huge fan of classic timepieces, and personally think the Apple Watch is pointless (I need my watch to look nice and tell time).  However, I wasn't considering any of these marketing possibilities or how the Apple Watch will provide all sorts of opportunities for companies/app developers.  It will be interesting to see if it catches on and how it unfolds.

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