Friday, March 13, 2015

PC is not dying

PC, a great invention in human’s lives, is going to lose its popularity. PC brought people a lot of convenience in the past. It increased the efficiency of computation for both academic studies and business jobs. People also entertained with PC to spend their leisure time. However, as technology has been developed so fast, lap tops gradually substitute PC’s position. Some people might think PC is going to come back. I to some extent agree.

The consumption of PC has been decreasing for several years. In 2015, it is even more severe. Market researchers predict that the consumption of PC would decrease by 3.3 percent. The truth shows a worse case that the consumption drops nearly 5 percent this year. Let’s compare the consumption of PC with consumption of iPhones in order to make things more clear. Apple sold more than 74 million iPhones during the last quarter alone. At an annualized rate, that would put iPhone sales alone above IDC’s prediction for the entire PC market. 

Actually, it is not surprising that PC is losing its market to mobile devices. People nowadays rely on laptop more than before. Laptop users save their files in laptops. When they went back home, they have to transfer files onto PC in order to use them. It sounds a little bit inconvenience. Also, the more people use their laptops, this inconvenience would have more power stops people from using PCs. If PC producers could have auto-sync system for PC so that everything people did on their PCs and laptops could go on the same pace, then people might use PC again, because PC still have a lot of advantages. PCs are cheaper than laptops and also have higher configuration. Larger screen also makes PC more comfortable to be used.

If PC died, people just do not want to save it.

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