Saturday, April 18, 2015

Is Google+ already dead?

A recent Forbes article sites that Google has made all the right mistakes to sink the Google+ initiative.  It has had a 97% decline in engagement year over year.  An NYU marketing professor cites the following causes for failure:

  • Misalignment with the Google vision of organizing the world's information.
  • Google+ isn't fun like other social networks such as Facebook or Twitter.  It seems very manufacturer and hence doesn't engage the millennial with as much efficacy.
  • It was a frontal attack on Facebook but offered nothing newer or better.
  • Google did not identify an un-tapped consumer segment.  They took a broad-based approach similar to Search Engine but in a space that already had an incumbent player.
I never even started using Google+ until this class.  I saw no added utility in it.  I guess Forbes might be right.

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