Tuesday, September 08, 2015

DUBSMASH: The Gen-Next Selfie

Taking selfies to a new level, Dubsmash has become a social media staple- a simple yet addictively fun app, that rapidly blossomed into a viral sensation.

Founded in Berlin, by Jonas Drüppel, Roland Grenke and Daniel Taschik, Dubsmash lets you record a video of yourself, synced to a preselected sound clip, such as a well-known quote from a movie, funky ad, or songs. But, after failing to conquer the iOS app store twice before, they couldn’t have known for certain that they had a smash hit on their hands. Spanning 192 countries, a plethora of languages, and engaging celebrities Hollywood & Bollywood alike dubbing their latest releases, Dubsmash has gathered a tremendous fan following in just 10 months of its launch in November, 2014

Why does it work? The desire to amuse our friends mixed with a smidge of narcissism that most of us social media junkies (AKA everyone) seem to possess these days make this app super desirable

User generated content- Yes! Sticky user proposition- Yes!

But there are copyright issues inherent in Dubsmash, since the majority of uploaded sounds are from unlicensed content, namely TV and film sound clips. So far they have not been sued..by anyone..luckily!! Should that change, the startup plans to work within a ‘take-down notice’ model when a license holder complains. Owners believe that brands — and therefore copyright holders — will eventually be keen to work directly with the app, providing one potential route to monetization. Digital Advertising? Well not yet…but the website boasts of a user base of 75million people, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it is actually moving towards that path for revenue generation or looking to be bought out by the Facebooks and the Googles of the world at a gaping valuation!

Looking to make messaging fun? So stop texting and start dubbing!


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