Monday, September 28, 2015

Facebook and Google, Two Giants in Digital Ads, Seek More

This NY times article does a good job of summarizing (in a simplified way) the extent to which Facebook and Google dominate the digital advertising world. Both companies took center stage at the first day of this year's Advertising Week, introducing tools that will enhance their share of the digital advertising revenue pie. Perhaps most importantly, through Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings, Nielsen will get involved in the measurement of ad performance in the digital space as it has in the TV space for several years. According to Nielsen, 88% of tablet owners and 86% of smartphone owners use devices while watching television. New Nielsen tools will make it easier for advertisers to plan their marketing spend on Facebook in the same way in which they have on TV for many years. Google also revealed a product that will give marketers the ability to target ad campaigns at consumers using their email addresses. Facebook announced it was introducing mobile polling, allowing marketers to measure ad effectiveness of their mobile ad campaigns. With projected ad earnings of $7.7 billion and $23.3 billion in 2015, Facebook and Google (respectively) are set to maintain their roles as market leaders for some years to come.

Link to full article:

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