Simon Khalaf said that "SEO, SEM, and blue links "are gone" on mobile because people are not using browsers". Indeed if we look at statistics we can see that about 90% of mobile time people actually spend inside apps, not browser. How that could affect impact of SEO? If we have a look on several years ago Search Engines were main point of entry for searching information, and now people look for restaurants in Yelp/Zagat/Foursquare, answers to sophisticated questions in Quora, start prefer voice recognition interfaces such as Siri and Facebook's assistant, which might be directly linked to services bypassing Search engines. Is that a real threat for SEO?
On the one hand, according to Sastry Rachakonda, CEO of iQuanti, a digital marketing company that specializes in search, it will just change the way search is performed on mobile, because now search engine can collect much more data (i.e. Geotagging, other apps running, screen etc) and thus provide with maximum relevant result possible.
On the other hand Google definitely sees that as something worth attention trying to incorporate apps to search results by indexing them (i.e if you look for smth in your Phone you can get directly to the page in the app you were looking for, not just main screen of the app), introducing now on tap for Android, which allows search engine to understand what do you see on your phone right now and act accordingly (i.e. if you ask who is the singer listening to a music, it will understand what are you talking about). So Google is definitely aware of the threat and is trying to mitigate the risks.
However we are probably still transiting in a better way of information organization
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