Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Mobile Screen Sizes and the Importance for Marketing

After reading several articles on the iPhone launch coming this week, I noticed that there not only seems to be a correlation of screen size and market share for Apple and the iPhone, but also that there is a connection between screen size and mobile marketing.  An article on Marketing Week quotes, "Analysis shows that those using 'phablets' - a screen size above 5 inches, big for a phone but small for a tablet - are more likely to engage with personalized, real-time advertising.  Mintel's report reveals that 43% of consumers with a six-inch or larger handset would allow brands to target them using their location, compared with 21% of those with a phone under 5 inches."


It appears that as screens get larger, people tend to start to do more on their phones beyond viewing videos.  Although I think there will always be a need for laptops and tablets, the rise in screen sizes are enabling people to do far more with their phones.  This puts a might higher emphasis on mobile marketing as people are spending more and more time on their phones and are leading more of their lives on their phones.  

This proves that it is more important than ever to ensure websites are responsive and that the consumer experience on mobile is a high priority.  
Browsing share by phone size

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