Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Skipable Ads: Brands' Snapchat Challenge

Generation Z and young transitional millennials are revolutionizing the field of digital marketing. With the increasing proliferation of screens (smartphones, laptop computers, tablets, etc) comes decreased attention spans and the increased challenge of successfully and authentically engaging with consumers. No where is this challenge greater than with an audience who, on average, is operating on up to 5 screens at a time. Gen Z's communication style is characterized by TL;DR (too long; didn't); this age group favors abbreviations, short form responses, and communicating via visual story-telling (including emojis and avatar-based languages).

This communication trend is clearly demonstrated in the social media usage among the 12-24 year old age group. Facebook, although still the most widely used social media platform, is declining in importance, while visual-based platforms including Instagram and Snapchat are increasing in importance. Effective digital marketing on these platforms remains a challenge.

An article recently posted by Digiday (http://digiday.com/platforms/snapchat-viewers-quick-skip-video-ads-brands-dont-impress/) discusses the challenges brands are facing on Snapchat due to TL;DR. While brands may think they are purchasing a full 10 seconds worth of content on Snapchat, 70% of Snapchat users are skipping ads that are too long or not compelling enough to sustain attention. Snapchat publishers can run 10 second spots that play among the rest of the app's content; however, in a move to protect user experience, Snapchat makes these ad's skipable. Completion rates for Snapchat ads correlate to the level of creativity of the content; and brands are challenged to create marketing spots that are unique, compelling, and organic to the platform. For a platform like Snapchat, completion rate serves as a better KPI than basic views or clicks because it demonstrates genuine engagement and interest. Brands that can demonstrate a true understanding of Snapchat, the platform's value proposition to Gen Z, and then create native spots will be in the lead.

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