Friday, September 04, 2015

The Next Big Thing: Live-Streaming Social Content

Last week I asked a friend at a top agency in Minneapolis what she thinks is the "next big thing" in digital marketing. Her answer: live-streaming social content. As you may know, Meerkat was introduced at SxSW this year and it was the talk of the social world. Since the launch of Meerkat, Twitter has purchased Periscope, which has emerged as the live-stream leader. The apps do virtually the same things.

Right now, all socially innovative brands are trying to figure out how they can leverage live-streaming content. There are several outstanding questions for marketers/ad agencies regarding these live-streaming platforms: In what ways can marketers use these platforms to effectively promote their brands? If and how these platforms can become tools that advertisers are willing to pay for? 

Below is a quick snapshot of the Meerkat app.

A social app that launched in late February 2015 – and has around 2 million users already.

Think of it as Twitter meets Snapchat meets a live blog — a live stream video that broadcasts in real-time, and is connected to your Twitter account. Users start a video stream from Meerkat and the app automatically tweets a link to it, allowing anyone to click and watch from their device. A viewer can see which users are currently watching, and view real-time commentary. Users can also “schedule” a time when they will be live streaming, so people know when to check back in to see your videos. Cleverly, groups of people viewing are called “colonies.”

It is actually live. If you miss it on Twitter as it is happening, you miss out. 

In it’s short existence, the app has already been used as a platform for real-time news (tracking the protests in Ferguson to New York Fashion Week), a political tool (swearing in key politicians), and an entertainment vehicle (live streaming the red carpet launch of Game of Thrones Season 5 Premier last night). Jimmy Fallon has recently been using it to stream his rehearsal monologues.

If this live-stream model continues to evolve, gone will be the days of edited and polished online content. Censored and prescriptive social strategies from brands could risk being considered feeble against the in-the-moment/live POV. It is still up in the air if this app will survive the adoption period, but right now it is growing rapidly. Twitter has already started regulating how it interacts with their platform. It is expected that many copycats will follow. (note: Periscope followed March 2015)

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