Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Total media advertising spending slows down, digital advertising provides only growth source.

It seems the lower growth of the world economy, is spilling its effects everywhere, and advertising spending is no exception.... Total media advertising spending forecasts for the next five years have been revised downwards and it seems the market will not grow as quickly as expected.
But what is more interesting about this is that the main source of growth for the whole market will come from digital advertising, expected to grow 18% this year and reaching over $ 170bn in 2015, which is translated into almost 30% of the total spending, while the sectors expected to contract the most are the "traditional" markets.
In the US, the most developed market, growht has been revised downwards to 4.5% from 5.2% previously estimated on March. This adjustment is mainly due to lower than expected revenues in TV, newspaper, radio and magazines.
The trend is clear, money is moving away from traditional and going into digital.
You can read the full story here.
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf
Growth in North America is slower than previously forecast. Total ad spending will grow 4.5% this year, less than the 5.2% forecast in March. The downward adjustment is the result of lower-than-expected expenditures on TV, newspaper, radio and magazines in the US. - See more at: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Total-Media-Ad-Spending-Growth-Slows-Worldwide/1012981#sthash.wneypgFB.dpuf

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