Tuesday, September 29, 2015

YouTube's Most Native Ad Yet Puts Shoppable Cards Into Organic Videos

With new native ads, YouTube has the potential to change the ad game completely. They have recently incorporated advertisements into actual organic videos i.e. how-to tutorials - no longer are ads regulated to the space between each video or seen as an interruption, but it instead it will become a more seamless and relevant integration. The videos will begin to feature shoppable cards (think Pop-Up Video) that are relevant for consumers who are watching i.e. beauty ads for products featured in a beauty blogger's tutorial.

This new "native" advertisement is incredibly impactful for the marketer - allowing their brand to become relevant and making the purchase much easier for the consumer.  

The one down-side to these shoppable cards, is that marketers may not be able to prevent whether or not their product ad appears in a negative or inappropriate video. However, YouTube claims its algorithms will prevent such a disaster - only time will tell when they roll out the program. 


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