Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gamification for marketing

Think how involved we are when playing games. A lot of brands now are applying gamification in their marketing activities to boost customer engagement, which is showing great success. For example, Marks&Spencer, a major British multinational retailer, allows its loyal customers to exchange Sparks points for promotions or events. An Italian restaurant chain Pizzi launched an event on mobile where customers can play scratch card game inside the restaurants and getting prizes. 

The principle idea behind applying gaming to marketing is that it encourages users to progress with the event, boosting the level of engagement. When playing games like Candy Crush, to progress with the game, customers are very likely to do in-app purchase, watching an ads in exchange for an extra life or boost and competing with friends on Facebook. This high level engagement promote games revenue and also appearance on social media platforms. After all, marketers are trying to raise consumer engagement, especially now that ads blockers are becoming increasingly popular. Gamfication is a very good way to encourage consumers to take an active role in marketing activities. 

How brands are using gamification to boost engagement

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