Sunday, November 08, 2015

5 Tips to Boost Conversion through Email Marketing

A recent article in Adweek advises email marketers to:

1) Avoid offers that seem too good to be true - even if they are legitimate
2) Create specific landing pages that are relevant to what customers click on
3) Play up testimonials rather than explaining your product since customers are swayed more by social pressure
4) Use a 2-step opt-in process
5) Keep your designs simple and clear to capture the attention of easily distracted customers

We discussed most of these tactics during class.  Tip #3 is a bit surprising at first.  Intuition would suggest that providing relevant product information would be more effective than testimonials at selling your product.  However, one only needs to look at Facebook to see that this is true and that it works (Friend A and Friend B like X!).  Social pressure will create curiosity among customers and drive them to look up your company's products themselves.  In the same way, companies that use relevant public figures in email marketing to create the same type of social pressure will likely be much more effective at running email marketing campaigns.


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