Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Brick-And-Mortar Stores Are Finding New Uses for Smartphones

It is widely known how online shopping and the advancement of Amazon has affected traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This pressure make traditional stores innovate on how they interact with the consumers.
Some examples of this innovation are:

  •  Macy's helps its customers find the product they are seeking in-store through their smartphone app.
  • JC Penny allow customer snap pictures of a product they see on another customer in-store and tell them if it is available to buy
  • Staples is working on an app to let users compare prices against amazon and other stores
The objective of this stores has a dual mission, fight onlines sales and try preventing customers find deals online while shopping at their sotres.
There is no doubt that brick-and-mortar stores face tough challenges. They will need to keep innovating and offer customers a different value proposition in order to capture them.

You cna find out more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/253187

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