Monday, November 23, 2015

Email Marketing Here to Stay

Many have discounted the future of email marketing given all of the social apps that have popped up that were thought to be the future of brand/customer communication. However, email marketing is still strong with 98% of brands using it and the most successful ones adapting their strategies in three different ways.

1. Making customers part of the content (leveraging UGC) and in real time

  • Brands have seen success when they incorporate user-generated content relating to the brand and develop quick stories/campaigns around the content, emailing them out in real time.

2. Speaking directly to the individual recipient, not mass communication

  • Brands are personalizing their communications (something difficult to do via social), sending individualized emails with tailored messages and content based on each individual recipient.

3. Measuring and adapting continuously

  • Successful brands relearning from each email blast, testing multiple messages, calls to action, structures, contents, etc. They are continuously refining and narrowing in on very specific success factors of their campaigns.

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