Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Is 2015 The Best Year Yet For Hispanic Digital Marketing?

As we continue to look at a digital marketing, it is important to dig deeper into insights related to specific consumer groups. As the number of Hispanics increases in the United States along with their buying power, brands have started to put significant investment toward marketing to this group.

A few trends in Hispanic digital marketing for this year include:
  1. Mobile usage among Hispanics skyrocketed
  2. Hispanic e-commerce is surging
  3. Hispanic influencer and content marketing is gaining steam
  4. Facebook doubled down on digital Hispanics
It's time for brands to pay attention to these digital marketing trends in order to capitalize on this consumer group's growth.

Read More: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/262445/is-2015-the-best-year-yet-for-hispanic-digital-mar.html

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