Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Google patents new functionalities of its self driving car

Really interesting article stating the progress google is making towards the self driving car and how the company is aiming at addressing the problem of human (both pedestrian and driver) interaction. Google is on the way to having a very human friendly product as more and more "humanoid" features are added to its self driving car. Definitively a very interesting story to follow closely as interaction problems continue to be addressed and mitigated.
The complete story here


  1. Very interesting article Mateo. Recently Tesla also released an update for its vehicles that provides an automated self-driving feature. While the technology is still in the early stages, clearly widespread driverless cars are only a few years away. This article makes note that the issue is that these cars are sometimes too defensive, and correctly so, given the implications that an accident could have on the industry for years to come. I believe that this issue will continue to exist as long as there are a mix of actual drivers and driverless systems, given that human nuances cannot truly be implicated until artificial intelligence becomes sophisticated. For now, I don't mind waiting behind the slow, driverless cars at intersections if they are not getting into accidents!

  2. Thanks Yaphet, I had read about Tesla and it seems the market is trending towards self-driving features! I totally agree that as long as we have humans driving, there will be accidents.. Sad, but true and count me in for going slow and waiting for driverless cars as long we avoid accidents!


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