Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Push a Button, Call Bullshit on GOP Pols - By Interlude, an interactive digital media company

Not buying a candidate's claims? Push the red button and see what’s up.
Look, last night’s GOP presidential debate was a hot mess. Not only because the candidates themselves at times resembled a cage of rabid, frothing-mad wildebeests, but also because CNBC hosted it as though the network is a second-rate comedy troupe.
Once all the interruptions, admonishments, gesticulations, and posturing wore off, however, there remained at the core a pretty serious subject: a bunch of people who want to lead our nation saying a few things that, let’s face it, aren’t exactly true. 
Yes, politicians—and people who aspire to be politicians—lie. Often through their damn teeth, and with a smile on their face. They’ll even do it while kissing your baby and making eye contact.
So did you ever wish you could point your finger and scream “bullshit!” every time you saw one of the aspiring leaders spout fresh BS from their Chiclet-white teeth? Now, thanks to documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock and his band of merry pranksters, you can.

Using this interactive video from Interlude, you can choose your candidate and, when you think they veer away from the truth, you push the big red Bullshit Button, which will immediately vet what they’re saying. Prepare yourself for good times and, at the end of it all, a generally icky feeling in your heart due to the amount lies these folks will ply you with to gain your trust and vote.

Oh, and don't worry—when you catch 'em spouting hot air, it's easy to share their disgrace, too. That's another button.

Interlude is a digital media company that designs, develops and markets interactive video technology, allowing consumers to create in real-time, a unique and dynamic version of a video that is based on pre-recorded audio/video segments - a one-of-a kind version of a popular video, created from millions of unique possibilities.

The Interlude technology platform utilizes audio/video footage to create a fully functional and customized end-product that can be embedded on any corporate or designated website. Interlude's customers may either provide the footage and thus maintain full creative control or utilize Interlude's creative/production services to generate the footage. Interlude's products can be branded and skinned and may be integrated with a broad marketing campaign that encompasses Internet, television, mobile and radio mediums.


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