Friday, February 05, 2016

Digital Marketing for Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations benefit a lot from the Digital Marketing development. First of all, non-profits are now able to reach a large audience through relatively low cost online marketing. Second, telling a touching story is very important for non-profits and leveraging digital tools make their messages much more powerful. Finally, online payment technologies integrated into online marketing campaigns drive potential donors quickly from interest to action.

I would like to share some interesting example of digital marketing campaigns created for non-profits.

1.  Disillusioning the audience on the importance of likes
UNICEF Sweden made a clear distinction between giving a ‘like’ and giving money in its campaign ‘Likes don’t save lives’. Apart from images, UNICEF also made YouTube videos with Swedish celebrities trying to buy food with likes. This campaign was a response to a growing concern, that many people viewed liking an organization page on Facebook being equal to donating money.    
2. Building relationship
Futures Without Violence (devoted to preventing violence against children and women) was good at getting users to their webpage but did not succeed in making them stay long, explore and return. As a solution, Media Cause built custom landing pages collecting emails from visitors. First, they identified top downloaded factsheets sharing interesting data on violence and then suggested these factsheets on return for an email address straight on a landing page.

3. Following progress on Instagram
The Good Agency created an Instagram campaign for WaterAid to help them raise £2.5m and bring clean water to 134,000 people in Malawi. Main idea of the campaign was that donors could follow the progress of the Big Dig in real time and most importantly see it when clean water arrived – all through Instagram posts.

4. Optimizing landing page
CreakyJoints (online community for people with all forms of arthritis and autoimmune disease) wanted to increase conversion rate of its Facebook Campaign. Advertising agency working on the campaign brought registration form straight to the landing page and changed the language to clearly describe membership benefits. As a result conversion rate increased from 8.28% to 21.27%

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