Thursday, February 04, 2016

Now Just 3.57 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

The omnipresent Facebook has done the math; we are all now just 3.57 degrees of Kevin Bacon. According to the recent article in the Wall Street Journal our degrees of separation from one another is shrinking thanks in no small part to Facebook.  

This is fascinating to me because while I do feel more connected to the people I know because of Facebook; I don't think it has brought me any closer to people I don't already know.  I have to admit that I am not an active participant in groups on the site.  Perhaps this would help me feel connected to people who are similar minded but we are not in the friend zone yet.  I would love to know if others feel the way I do or disagree wholeheartedly...

In other breaking news, Facebook published these revelations on their blog on their 12th anniversary. In order to celebrate the day they also created a new holiday called Friends Day.  Congratulations, Facebook, you have usurped Hallmark and created your own holiday.  In the future,  we will soon call these man-made holidays Facebook Holidays.

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