Thursday, February 04, 2016

Where is Social Media taking us as a society?

Scene from Pixar and Walt Disney Movie Wall-E
In 2008 Pixar and Walt Disney released their animated movie WALL-E.  The movie plot is about a robot designed to clean up waste in an abandoned earth that ends up falling in love with a more technologically advanced robot called EVE.   After following her to where all humans have relocated, he notices how there is no actual human interaction.  Their lives are controlled by this tiny screen, which levitates in front of their faces.

As an animated movie lover, if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it!

However much I may love the movie, I can’t help wondering if the film contains a foreshadowing of where humanity is headed.  Will we end up as useless human beings doing everything digitally - “seeing” the world only through our small, or not so small, screens? 

Social Media is a great tool for marketers. It is a great way to bridge the gap in communication between brands and customers.  It provides a constant connection with our audience, allows us to provide instant answers to questions and concerns.  We, as marketers, can figure out what consumers want, when they want it, and how to deliver it.  Those are the wonders of the “digital” world.    But are we delivering more than just information? 

Are we driving society to a vegetative state?  When we think about it, human nature loves instant gratification.  We want everything and we want it right now, and social media is providing exactly that.  What is the sense of going out shopping when I can simply order it online from the solitude of my home?  Why would I travel for the holidays if I can hold a video call with my family members without the hassle of traveling? 

Are we turning into independent silos that connect only through technology?  I often find myself looking at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to see what others are up to, instead of calling them to find out.  I even met my husband on Tinder!  (But that is a long story that I will leave for future posts)

So I ask myself the question, should we, as marketers, start targeting those basic human needs in order to sell more, faster?  Or should we try to mitigate the wrongful evolution of society?  

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