Thursday, February 04, 2016

Why digital marketing is missing the target

If you're annoyed by the massive amounts of marketing that often block the web page view, and most likely is completely unrelated to a product or service you would ever think about purchasing? Here is the explanation... and yes, I also thought it was done on purpose to irritate me.

If most digital marketing programs or campaigns have a weak area, it’s analytics. One recent study identified that the biggest talent and hiring gap in online marketing is in the analytics space.

HBR declared that data scientist is the sexiest job of the century. Research company Gartner suggests that there will be 4.4 million big data jobs available in the next two years, and that only a third of them will be successfully filled. It’s no surprise. Everything is moving toward data: big data, mobile data, performance data, campaign data and product data.
So hopefully very soon, the new generation that is more tech savvy, will enter the workforce and will be able to make some sense of all this data collected about our consumer preferences to actually strategize digital marketing.

Like many things in life, the information you retrieve from your business intelligence software is only as good as the data going in. Online marketers have certain indicators they should be monitoring on a continual basis, like changing in consumer preferences. For example, the girl that used to “like” a certain store on Facebook is becoming a woman and entering the workforce; she might not have spare time to “like” stuff on Facebook anymore with the same frequency. How will the analytics identify the changing in trend and proper adjust to market the proper merchandising?

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