Thursday, March 31, 2016

3 proven digital marketing strategies for hospital patient acquisition

In the era of competitive healthcare market, hospitals are visibly optimizing their visibility to the public.  Apparently, 3 approaches have been proven to be effective in acquiring new patients.

1.        SEO and marketing with an emphasis on services and location.  For most potential patients, the selection process starts with a search engine and a hospital’s website.  77% potential patients turn to a search engine and 76% look at an organization’s website, compared with 32% from TV, 20% magazines, and 18% from newspapers.  Patients are also likely to choose a hospital based on convenient location (58%) than copay or even outcomes data (30%)

2.       Relevant digital content about health conditions.  37% health searchers are trying to learn more about conditions/diseases, so hospitals have a huge opportunity to engage potential patients by providing this content.

3.       Social media Engagement with a purpose.  Top organizations doing the best job of connecting with their patients through social media were highly selectively about what they shared – they didn’t clog up their feeds with internal matter news, instead, they provided useful health info to prospective patients.

Only if my hospital admin would listen and act accordingly...

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